Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Boxing Day!

I celebrated Boxing Day by boxing up all of my Christmas decorations and old toys my daughter no longer plays with. I know, I know. I'm supposed to leave all of my Christmas decorations up until New Years. But I don't. Once Christmas is over, I'm over it. None of that making-the-feeling-last. And besides, the needles were falling off the tree. If I didn't get it out today, I'd be carrying out bare limbs come New Year's. I had guests, and while I had a good time, I'm ready for some quiet time.

The moment I carried the tree out the door, my daughter (age 3) started sweeping up the needles. Awesome child! She must not be able to stand the mess either. We had the needles up in no time.

Then it was time to weed through old toys, pack up ones that don't get played with to make room for the new ones. I also went through the mail that had been piling up while we had guests, paid the bills, went to Wal-mart, reorganized my pantry, and finished reading a book. I felt like I was productive! More to do tomorrow.

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